Ottometric strategic partners enhance the Ottometric solution by streamlining the data collection and
processing pipeline, and providing secure storage and access to test data and validation results.

Ottometric leverages AWS cloud services to securely process data collected from test vehicles used for
ADAS development and validation. We screen all data sent to AWS for quality and completeness to help reduce storage costs and ensure the data can be properly processed. The Ottometric platform takes advantage of automated scale up and scale down of EC2 compute instances as needed, ensuring rapid turnaround, and helping ADAS development and validation programs complete on time.

Ottometric works with the IBM Partner Plus program, specifically with storage systems that are used during data collection for ADAS and AV development and validation. IBM provides an optimized pipeline for Cloud, Hybrid and on-premise that can ensure data is available to the Ottometric platform in the Cloud.

As a partner with the BlackBerry IVY Connected Vehicle Data Platform, Ottometric works with automotive Tier-1s and OEMs to collect data from production vehicles to be processed by the Ottometric platform.
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